Tuesday, February 06, 2007

noo fair...

hey, Tess got a new car! I would have to say now, that my car is the ugliest on the lot by far. Doesn't help that Tess' new car is white too...now mine looks yellow :( haha

btw, Fun weekend guys=)

back to Reality. I am soo behind on readings..assignments..lectures...school in general I think mostly because clinicals havent started, soo it was never official to me. Well, got my first one tomorrow in the SICU & wow, I am exciiited but NOT prepared at all. So today, will be devoted to just that--reading everything I possibly can so I don't look like a total idiot tomorrow. &maybe a trip to Walmart & the gym?! hmmmmmm............

if you're still bored right now...go find something to do for Spring break!! Ensenadaa? hahahaa...

this circular motion is all we do.


mie. said...

what circular motion? hahaa

ruth-anne said...

i think i know where you got that little "quote at the end of your entry in small italic print".. am i right?!?!