Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today, my older sister turned 28. And again, I have spent another exhausting, yet wonderful Sunday being a tourist in SD. Today, we had lunch at Onamis--and actually, lunch there sucks! No lobster or crab legs, my favorite! And a whole bunch of food that would taste delicious with rice, but I have given that up for Lent :(

Afterwards, we went to Point Loma and ended up at the Cabrillo National Monument. While I was there, I realized a) Why havent I been here before? & b) who the F*** is Cabrillo?! muahahaa. Horrible. I googled it while I was there cuz my sisters didnt know either :X Prettttyy views of SD, too lazy to upload the pics now though. I must say I am enjoying this tourist stuff though!

Here's a parting picture, cuz I like blogs with pictures. Less than a year ago seems so long ago:

do you guys remember this night? you would have found me in downtown all dressed up & unconscious :X never againn.....hahaha.

1 comment:

dianne said...

cute pic. haha about the unconsciousness.

no i didn't pre-order. christian wouldn't let me =[ but i'm still excited in general about it haha