Friday, October 15, 2010


So I am officially on my own at work, and I must say it is NOT as intimidating as I thought it was. The doctors are 10X nicer than scripps, and everyone on my shift is really helpful. I also have a lot more autonomy to do things (i.e. adjust vent settings, actually having central lines, giving more drugs). The whole charting thing is on computer which I am NOT used to..but I can get used to it. I guess you can say everyone works around the Nurse over there, haha. We get one critical care tech who does all my sugars, I&Os, watches my rhythms...and all i have to do is click "confirm" for whatever he does for me. Then I have a nurse assistant who does my other stuff like change diapers, linens, etc. The RT does my EKGs, really good about doing my oral care & suctioning...meanwhile, I'm sitting there like UHHHH.....i feel like Im not doing anything but charting. Haha, but we'll see how it goes?!! I only worked three nights.

Traffic is crazy here. I dont remember this much traffic on all my vacations here. But sometimes, it could take you 20 minutes to drive 5 miles cuz everything is so backed up. I also got my first speeding ticket going...SIXTY MPH! haha. it was on my first day to work too. It was a 50mph zone. The officer noticed I just moved there cuz my Cali plates and registration, I was using my GPS, ANNND I had my scrubs on to the first day of work. I could tell he felt bad but he already wrote the ticket and just gave it to me...he SUCKS! Anyways, Im gonna write a letter to the judge explaining the circumstances and see if I can get a break.

Lastly, we finally found a place at Koko Isle Circle (that place on my other link). Were going to meet with the landlord today to finalize things, so everyone start planning your vacays!:) The place is really nice and Im excited to FINALLY have our own place. More pics to come! Anyways, coming home next week for Ruths wedding!! I have Thanksgiving weekend off but guess how much airfare is..1600?!!! WHOA! hopefully it might go down if i try to fly out last minute but well see! K time to go register my car finally. i Miss everyone at home...!

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