Tuesday, July 31, 2007

welcome to the real world

Since I have started work, I find myself asking myself..so this is it huh? This is what I graduated for. Working everyday, wasting my youth being a grown up haha. I guess it wouldnt be such a shock to me if I wasn't just having the freakin time of my life before work. But I guess I wouldnt do it any other way. I went to NY, partied HAAAARD in SD for a month, and topped it off with trip to paradise. Yup, that's why I think work is so miserable right now. I mean, the job is fine..its just the FULLtime that gets to me. But anyways, I know I'll get used to it..or maybe appreciate it more once I get my first paycheck,hehe.

Anyways, do you guys still read the blogs or am I just talking to myself? whatever. Umm, I'm still in love! hahaha. As a matter of fact, he may likely be coming here if I have this certain weekend off! I just think its craazy! Oceaanns apaart, daay after daaay. haha, jk.

Ok time for Sudoku before bed. it's soo addicting!!

1 comment:

kalake said...

helllo there. yes, i do read your blog..you dont talk to yourself. haha. just thought id let yah know. i should blog more but as you can see since ethans been born theres NO TIME. heehe. see you at dinner tonight maybe.