Thursday, March 08, 2007


Wow, home and sober on a thursday night AND going to work tomorrow morning! Different!, but a good change. Aside from American Idol, my time at home has been a real bore. Grey's sadly re-ran their show again, what's up with that?? Aside from that, being at home has been stressing me out/making me mad. I know much may be due to the upcoming appearance of my monthly friend, but really....really..I've had so many times where I just felt like screaming in my pillow. With Lynn's car officially totaled, we have five drivers and four we have been alternating cars and for some reason...MY car is the one always in use and nobody pays for the gas except me! This has been one of the major stressors for me at home. Can you imagine having plans and not carrying through because everyones always driving your car...orrr...just straight up being stuck at home (can't go to the gym, walmart, etc) cuz someone needs your car and they keep telling you "well you have to make sacrifices sometimes."Orr just even planning your next day around whose gonna need your car when. GAaaaahh, it drives me crazy. I mean--I know I totaled one of the cars, but hey--so did my other two sisters..I just topped it off! haha. Errr, aside from that..hopefully my sister will be purchasing her AcuraTL this Sunday to take away this problem...

Anyways, things haven't really been the greatest--well nothing to be all excited to blog about. It's been boring..I lost my phone and phone numbers (my social life)...I hate my old hand-me-down phone. My dogs have been barking out my window nonstop for the past nights interupting my sleep...Uhh, all Ive been doing is school work..had a midterm today which marks my first nursing test i DIDNT study for...& i dont know. haha.

Dang, hopefully next entry will be a little brighter. I need some you know know what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you dont know, ask. hahah.

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