Philbert & Jerards Bday was fun. It just sucks that for some reason, I always have to go home early cuz of work!! Happy Birthday boys!
After accidently taking a very cool picture of Rob and his friends that night, my drunken mind was inspired to take loootts of pictures that night.. and I did. I was looking at them in my camera like usual, then decided i might as well actuallly post them (which I am usually very bad at!) I did! and I decided that I will stop being lazy and post my pictures like everyone else when I take any. I guess I got used to Philbert and/or Jamie being the photographer of the night. haha, so check it out: picasaweb.google.com/itsmaricel.
Today, I took kickboxing, visited my niece..and seriously laid in bed, finishing the last of the Twilight Saga--all 756 pages of Breaking Dawn. & now I have been on the computer for the most I have been in aages, updating on myspace/picasa/blogger/aim..so weird. I still wanna laptop, btw. I am probably the oonly person in their 20's who doesnt own one of those things, how lame!
Here's a snippet of a conversation with my fellow Twilight fan, Dianne:
howdee from dee: u watched twilight!!
howdee from dee: yay
imnotboredNOT: hahaa yup!!
imnotboredNOT: i actually finished the last book today
howdee from dee: cool. r u hooked now too?
imnotboredNOT: read it..all day, literally.
imnotboredNOT: hahaha yup!.
imnotboredNOT: kind of obsessed actually
howdee from dee: yay! me toooo
howdee from dee: but only secretly
imnotboredNOT: lol
imnotboredNOT: christian will get jealous of edward.
imnotboredNOT: hahahaha
howdee from dee: he does
imnotboredNOT: lol!
howdee from dee: that's why i have to keep it secret
imnotboredNOT: muahahahah!!!
imnotboredNOT: i wish i can post THIS on my blog
howdee from dee: but i kinda slipped while watching the oscars
imnotboredNOT: hhahaha...
howdee from dee: we were at the kitchen table and i ran to the tv when he was presenting
imnotboredNOT: hahahaha!!
howdee from dee: in front of his whole family actually
howdee from dee: it was dinner time
imnotboredNOT: omg
howdee from dee: hahaha
imnotboredNOT: thats not kinda slipping
imnotboredNOT: thats going out of your way
howdee from dee: lol
imnotboredNOT: lol
howdee from dee: i like the pics u posted. have u seen the video?
howdee from dee: from that photo shoot. it's really cute
howdee from dee: i reallly want them to get together in real life
howdee from dee: k... it's sad that finding out u like twilight too is the most exciting part of my day
imnotboredNOT: i knoow i saw it..
imnotboredNOT: doesnt she have a bf?
imnotboredNOT: hahaha!
howdee from dee: yeah
imnotboredNOT: i keep telling jamie to start reading it
howdee from dee: she should
imnotboredNOT: (as if she doesnt have enough school work)
imnotboredNOT: hahah
howdee from dee: then we can go crazy when new moon comes out in nov
imnotboredNOT: hahah!
howdee from dee: and eclipse in june
imnotboredNOT: did you pre order the dvd
imnotboredNOT: haaha my coworker did.
howdee from dee: no i wanted to, but christian was telling me that it's not gonna sell out
imnotboredNOT: i was thinking about it
imnotboredNOT: it comes with like something free.
howdee from dee: i'm also kinda hoping christian will get it for me.. but since he already got the tswift tickets, maybe he's not
howdee from dee: i should pre-order it!
howdee from dee: the 2 disc special from borders right?
imnotboredNOT: yeah!
imnotboredNOT: hahaa
yes, ladies & gentlemen..THAT good.