Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

haha, new hawaiian phrase I learned for Happy New Year.

New year...alreaaady?! Seriously, what happened? I feel like I blinked and the year flew right before my eyes! How was everybody's Christmas???

With the Cummings Ohana, and my sleepy ass looking all tired!!
This would mark my first Christmas away from family. Kinda sad, but work has been keeping me busy.  With two of the major hospitals on Oahu closing, our little itty bitty hospital is now one of the major hospitals for the entire Leeward side of the island= NUTS!!! Our little 8 bed ICU is not cutting it--we are constantly understaffed..and slamming with admissions. The hospital is bursting out of its seams...I really hope something happens about it....Haha but back to my Christmas!! So Mike's family kindly flew me in to spend Christmas in Kauai with them. Straight off a crazy 12-hr shift, jumped on a plane to Kauai and stayed up til like 3pm. It was a simple Christmas with the Cummings family--ate breakfast, opened gifts, watched ball, ate.....was nice, but definitely still missed the comforts of home and my own family--nothing will ever compare. Afterwards, we headed over to his Grandma's party where I had fun laughing at/with his crazy, yet funny family. & that was about it...flew back home early the next morning and went back to work!

My last new years in SD, 2010:) :) good times!
Now New Years is coming up..and wow, I can't believe it. I remember saying living a year out here in Hawaii was good enough, but daaang--that went by super fast. I can't really remember anything suuper spectacular from 2011, but I do recognize my own personal growth which is good enough=). Living out here has made me realize who and what really matters to me. What makes ME happy, not everyone else--learning to live my life according to only me(w/ a little or a lot of influence fr God:) )  I have learned how to keep my sanity (lol), how to be alone, &how to Love somebody like that (lol, ew).  I have also learned stupid things like what makes me yak when I drink hard, the perfect combination to cure my hangovers, how to fuh-reeeeeakin do my own damn laundry! (lol), how to paddleboard and hit a golf ball (still practicing that one), and how to sit back, cruise, and enjoy the scenery.  Life is simple and doesnt have to be complicated, and I must say I have learned to live simply...sometimes a little tooooo simply! But as simple as life gets, life can still get hard but i have grown tougher skin for those moments...maybe not super tough but definitely not fragile!  I have also learned how to forgive, that nobody is perfect.  I've learned to endure when I feel like I am being tested, and know now more than before that sometimes it's okay to cry---that it actually feels really good to let one out once in a while!! & most of all, I have learned to put my Trust in God--completely&unquestionably, knowing that everything happens according to His will.........which comes to my first resolution of the New Year!

1) go to CHURCH  So yeah, the entire time I have been here..I have not been to church. Not once! Haha. The only times I have been is when I go home. But I do pray often, a lot has been done in my car on my long commutes to work--really therapeutic tho!:)

2) SAVE$$$  I am officially credit card DEBT FREEEE for the new year. After years of suppression from those damn credit cards, i am FREEEE!! now is a great time to save...like forreals!!

3)  ACTIVE LIFESTYLE  do more. No better place to than Hawaii! Try new things if I need to, but just stop being a lazy piggy sometimes.  Consistency is my problem:/

4)  TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL  Somewhere, anywhere...not SD, haha. Went home like 5 or more times last year it feels like?!

5) pass my CCRN.  actually this is not reallly a resolution, but my boss is making me take this damn test by march...so I have to get in the mindset to study for it.

6) BE HAPPY. whatever it is.....just be content.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! LOVE YOU GUYS...seeeee you in January!!!=)