Diet. Hormones. Lack of Activity. Boyfriend. Drinking.....SOMETHING!!!
OMG. No I do not weigh that much...step off the scale, step on. Okay, WAHHHH, I do. =( LOL. I mean I know I did gain some weight, but Oh Myyyy...i didnt think that MUCH!!! It really dawned on me at Inangs party when everyone was like "Oh Cel...look at you, tabaa! you must me so happy with your boypren in hawaii!" NNNNOOOOOOOOOoo! no no no no no!!! LOL
After that, I really didn't feel good about myself. I guess this would be my turning point. You know how you always read those weight loss stories, and they have some kind of enlightening moment in their life...where theyre like No more! Well...that would be mine.
When I came back to Hawaii, I was determined not to go on a "diet"..but make a healthy lifestyle change. With both my parents diabetic, the doctor once told me "it's not a matter of IF Im going to get diabetes...but WHEN." And ohh boy, I do not want to be poking myself checking my blood sugar in my 50s...and I sure as hell dont want my belly entering the room before I do!!!
Since Ive came back, I've cut back a lot...on one my meanest culprits, RICE. How can you avoid it in plate lunch central?!! haha. I've been shoving a bunch of greens down. Drinking more water instead of soda/juice. Preparing my meals instead of buying them. Entering 24 hr fitness, instead of driving past it. LOL. Even had Mike fix his bike for me, and been bike riding through all the rich neighborhoods around here. Took my paddle board out like it needed to for a long time......
& I feel GOOD. I feel more energized and less like a sloth. I dont need to drink as much coffee. I might not be super skinny yet....but I am determined to wear my jeans comfortably again!! & vow never to let myself get that way again......Cheers to healthy living=)
(Another post about Inangs<3 going away later)a