Time has been passing sooo incredibly fast these past couple of weeks..I kind of dont like it. I wish it would slow down a little!
work. this program is going by soo fast. i actually have a big hemodynamics test tomorrow but my mind is seriously elsewhere, i cant even think about it. my schedule suucks ass (i think)--i dont like never having an entire weekend off, but guess Ill suck it up. cant say i quite love the icu yet either--maybe its cuz 1)im just not as comfortable and confident as before 2)i feel like the "novice" or not the real nurse because im working under my preceptor(duh, thats what theyre supposed to do, i know..jus makes me feel like a baby) 3)butt i AM the baby because I am the YOUNGEST person down there...my coworkers have children OLDER than me!
fun. a lil too much of it. i said after vegas i would just chill until hawaii...but NOPE didnt happen. but attention, attention---NO CAPTAIN=no blackouts.....i hate captain morgan! (VERY TRUE "RULE")
fitness. had a VERY rude awakening looking at my calender. i swear hawaii was 6 months away. today is the beginning of my motivation! i cant believe all this time has passed and I havent stayed focused. btw, i tried yoga with Kat for my first time...that was funny..but oddly, refreshing. I think Ill try it again. I cant be lazy anymore "there's no time...theres never anytime! im soo excited....im sooo excited...im soooo scared!" (about me being a piggy at hawaii) AHHHHHHH!
friendssss. jamie-i bought that saame bathing suit but with the yellow bottom in the picture u posted too! hahaa. Ruth-I never get to see you cuz we work opposite days or something! Dianne-Andrews party, muahahaha, good times. Grace-I have a strong feeling its a girrrlll....
just like my NIECE
sorrrry...just haaddddd to throw her in:)
lets all have dinner....at souplantation!!!! hahaha.....
ps. im hyper...for some reason.