Thursday, September 28, 2006


is suddenly flying by soo fast! What happened to the weekdays?! What happened to the weekends?! Anyways, life has pretty much been a big ROUTINE! My past days have consisted of:

-waking up hella early
-going to either clinical/work/or class
-being too tired to do anything else
-not going to the gym, but thinking about it & how I wanna be skinny
-not studying but thinking about how I should, kinda.
-talking on my phone for hours at a time about nothing
-going to the Rbr to listen to my lectures but really just being there to hang out
-playing JewelQuest
-then my eyes hurt & I go to sleep.

So yup, it's OCTOBER in like a couple days. Guess whose birthday's coming??? or better yet...guess whose b-day DRINKUP is coming??!! =) I still need to find out about those TJ tacos...mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Boo to my now-lame-Thursday-nights-because-I-have-clinical-Friday-mornings!! Boy, having a clinical at a military hospital (Balboa) doesn't leave much flexibility for untimeliness! Me and Ruth pick each other up at like 0600! Well, today my Friday started out pretty bad. Haha. I thought it was going to go good because I was actually in bed before midnight last night and as I was slowly dozing off to sleep, my phone rings & Marty and BRose insist on coming over. When I think about it now, I'm way too nice because after a I said NO like twice, I was somehow persuaded to let them in. So we're inside and I have a bottle of Crown 3/4 full just being stared at and six shots later, I'm freakin buzzin! WTH! & I have to wake up in like a couple hours. Haha, so at 330am they finally leave and I knock out for what feels like 10 minutes to Ruth calling me! It was 610am, both my alarm clocks totally going off!, and I'm laate! Whatta rush! & well, I don't really know what the point of my story was except uhh..I don't know! That was just me trying to have a "cool" Thursday night. Haha, I don't know about that anymore!
So now to my Friday nights. I feel so tired that usually I don't really feel like doing anything. But anyways, what's going on tonight?! I just got paid =) Woohoo to working more hours! I guess it's worth it.

currently SUPER badly wanting!!: a new Digital Camera. hmmmmmmmmm.........

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Tonight was fun. Just hung out with everyone I guess I consider "friends" at the current moment. I thought those 50 wings weren't enough, haha. I came home and layed on my stomach cuz I felt like throwing up. I do, sometimes. I would describe it as a mild case of Bulemia. haha. Yup, NOT cool. Anyways, I felt like typing more but I'm really sleepy and I have another long day at work tomorrow =( I think I'm burning myself out. Good Night!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Welcome back to my life! haha. Thought that xanga was getting kinda too out there for me. Anyways, this is cool...I just copied my friends. haha.

Today I watched THE LAST KISS. A movie about...relationships. A movie that basically sent me an unconscious message that relationships are full of crap! hahah jk. I'm just disappointed I wasted 9 bucks expecting to watch a grreat chick flick..but no. haha. I give up on chick flicks..I'll wait for them to come out on dvd because the last two I've watched in theatres have been rather disappointing. Ive become much more of a movie person these past couple of months. Before I didn't know movies for crrrap...but now I have pretty much watched a good number of movies that have been out this summer..coool! ..But I still don't know the names of actors.

In other news, this weekend has been pretty chill. Rockbottom was on friday...booring! (which is why I don't plan on celebrating my birthday at a club..BORING! haha!) Interesting night though. I missed <3dk!!! What a shame :( What I did do was spend my whole day literally laying in bed being a JewelQuest master! (that's my game!) It's pretty bad..I've been wasting away my days like that too much. Then, spent my night in good company (Grace,Marty, & my sisters, haha). Today watched the Chargers kick some ass. GOO CHARGERS!! Lucky Jamie actually went to the game! I wanna goo to a game--someday. Then did a little shopping...& bought a bunch of random stuff like gray checkered vans....but they look like sneakers! hahaahaha. laaame.

Um ok this is long. I kinda like it. I don't plan on having too many people know this blog either so I can just write long stupid entries like this & not worry about whose gonna read it. Okay...gotta get ready for clinical tomorrow. These weeks are starting to fly by too fast again...